The SmartBond TINY Module Gets IoT Devices to Market Quicker & Easier Than Ever Before


The SmartBond TINY Module Gets IoT Devices to Market Quicker & Easier Than Ever Before

Last November,we announced我们家庭的最新补充xinyabo体育app 解决方案:DA14531 SmartBond Tiny™SoC和模块。虽然SoC在宣布时向市场发布到市场时,该模块并没有将批量生产击中,直到今年上半年。今天我们很高兴宣布,SmartBond微型模块现在准备好并可用于客户,以开始融入最终是下一十亿个IOT设备。


Reducing time to market


这是如何运作的?该模块的可焊接,标记型设计利用了12.5 x 14.5 mm尺寸,集成天线和九个GPIO,以使高卷向IOT系统添加BLE功能的成本,以低至1美元 - 一个价格点无与伦比的价格我们的任何竞争对手。此外,由于所有外部组件 - 无源,XTAL,天线和闪存 - 集成到模块的设计中,因此客户无需分别源这些单个组件,从而消除了进一步的开发成本和时间。

也许是最重要的是,智能营地微型模块具有高度可配置,易用的设计,使客户能够快速直观地创建高度功能的连接设备:遥控器,近距离标签,玩具,体重秤,家电,低功耗无线传感器,更不用说为现有产品和设计添加BLE能力。亚博电竞菠菜这一切都由于两个独特的软件功能而删除了传统上与BLE Development相关的复杂性 - 即编码本身。


SmartBond TINy模块利用唯一,可配置的对话框串行端口服务(DSP)软件和对话框的新无附件软件,以便将复杂的编码除以IOT设备设计的方程。

  • DSPS emulates a universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter (UART) serial port over BLE. With this feature, customers can connect the module to a host microcontroller unit’s serial port without having to write any Bluetooth software themselves.
  • Codeless builds on this by substituting the complex code you’d typically have to program into a device with a simple series of human-readable ASCII commands for creating customer applications. This industry standard Hayes AT-style command set allows developers to easily configure and operate the module without having to engage in any kind of intense of Bluetooth software coding.

这些功能携带,确保SmartBond Tiny模块采用无线开发周期的免费方法,删除具有编程强大的物联网设备的典型成本,时间和难度 - 更不用说,删除开发人员的进入障碍,so that anyone, regardless of their coding skills, can take advantage of the module’s capabilities.

Fully certified for worldwide use

SmartBond Tiny模块既是欧洲认证的美洲和CE认证的FCC,都消除了客户常常承担的另一项任务:认证平台本身。在框中认证再次减少了通常被烘焙到物联网设备设计周期的时间,金钱和人力。此外,由于该模块已经过这些区域经过认证,因此可以轻松地部署而不会有麻烦或额外认证的成本。没有必要的RF知识;困难的部分已经得到了处理。


That’s the SmartBond TINY module in a nutshell: Bluetooth coding, external components, platform certifications, all the usual pitfalls that drain time and money in a typical IoT development cycle? All of that has been eliminated with our new module. We’re not just breaking barriers in terms of costs and ease of use for IoT devices, but – thanks to a futureproofing combination of Bluetooth 5.1 compliance and over-the-air software updates – we’re enabling customers to build the next generation of connected devices and bring them to market faster than ever.

两个the DA14531 SoC and module are sampling now and are available via DigiKey. Get all the details on both SoC and module – including how to order –这里.