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Designers prefer to design in flexibility. The reasons are legion and mostly obvious: you may not know today how a chip will be used tomorrow – best to delay setting anything in concrete until you are sure how it is going to be used. You may not fully understand the design until it is nearing completion, and premature optimization can leave you in a difficult situation. And there are more practical considerations – getting buy-in from stakeholders on a set of restrictive requirements can be very difficult. Allowing the hard decisions to be shelved for later is almost always the easier option.


But there are other pressures in designing any chip and living as we now do in a post-Moore world, some of those are becoming more prominent.


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完全是,这是大量潜在的成本 - 到设计师和最终用户 - 只是为了使用芯片的灵活性来定制解决方案,当可能已经决定并从一开始就可以进入设计。

Of course, some designs demand a lot of flexibility, for example, to support a new standard. The standard you are working towards may still be in flux, but you want to be first to market. Therefore, you may want to have some of the details that are not yet agreed on kept in an FPGA where they can be changed after the chip is manufactured. There is a cost associated with this of course, but this is likely offset by meeting your market window.

嵌入在SOC中的处理器一直是尖食,因为它具有比尝试直接在硬件中直接复制复杂逻辑的更具成本效益,特别是当要运行的软件可能需要在以后更改时。同样,您需要特定的问题,您需要专用硬件,但该硬件要求将改变。在这种情况下,允许重新配置的硬件可以节省硅区域并导致更优雅的设计。但是,这些用例,虽然重要,但一般都会更少 - 大多数芯片都不需要那种重新配置水平。


In times past, adding more technology could help delay difficult decisions. In a post-Moore world, better engineering and better architectures are the road to success. At Adesto, we like to take a holistic view of the discovery process in ASIC definitions so this will include the chips requirements but also any potential future proofing that can be allowed for. Learn more about our ASICs这里今天。