In case you missed it: The demos Dialog made a splash with at Embedded World


In case you missed it: The demos Dialog made a splash with at Embedded World

February was stacked with major events for Dialog. We recently told you about how we traveled to Barcelona at the end of the month forMobile World Congress,但这并不是我们手头的全部。从2月27日到3月1日,我们还冒险去了德国的纽伦堡Embedded World2018.

As the name implies, Embedded World is one of the world’s premier hotspots for all things embedded systems, particularly for the IoT. Thousands of exhibitors and tens of thousands of attendees, all hailing from dozens of countries, flocked to the show floor at Nuremberg, making Embedded World one of the best places Dialog can be to showcase our industry-leading solutions and meet with other industry leaders to accelerate the pace of innovation.


格林帕克Development Environment


在Embedded World,与会者有机会看到GreenPAK Designer实际创建的直观开发环境,包括:如何轻松地配置其组件;组件库如何突出设备的资源分配可用性;其类似原理图捕获的设计和路由功能;以及一些示例在GreenPAK开发环境中生成的项目和支持文档。

智能债券™ DA14585物联网传感器开发工具包

OurSmartBond物联网传感器开发工具包helps to accelerate IoT development through a cutting-edge combination of Bluetooth™ low energy (BLE) hardware (including support for Bluetooth® 5 and BLE Mesh), sensors and sensor fusion software. Altogether, this makes developing motion and environmental sensing applications considerably easier, via the world’s lowest-power 12 degrees of freedom wireless sensor module.

我们开发了基于Bosch Sensortech传感器的套件,该套件将蓝牙低能量传输功能与ARM Cortex-M0处理器、加速计、陀螺仪、磁强计和环境传感器阵列相结合。最终的结果是一个高度集成的电路板,它减少了系统的大小和成本,包括了加速先进物联网设备创建所需的所有必要的软件和硬件,并且只需16 x 15毫米的电路板即可实现。此外,凭借96kb的RAM,DA14585拥有两倍于前代产品的内存和0.9–3.6 V的宽电源电压范围,具有更大的设计灵活性。

如果你没能参加演出,别担心,我们还有很多要谈的格林帕克and物联网传感器all throughout 2018, so stay tuned! And, check out our blog posts on消费电子产品andMobile World Congressfor a rundown on what we’ve been showcasing at the other big shows of 2018 so far.