DA14531 SmartBond TINY Module

DA14531 module JTAG connection for programming

Sat, 2020-11-14 08:08--paolog

Hi! I just started evaluating the DA14531 module for a new BLE project, and I'd like to program it with the Codeless firmware from the SDK. I'm not using any development kit, but I'd like to connect the module to a Segger Jlink 20-pin connector. Which is the correct way to do it? Can I connect directly or should I build an adapter?

Thank you,


Unable to remap SPI port pins on DA14531 Module

Fri, 2020-11-13 22:14--mon2

Hi. Using the DA14531 Module PCB with the Pro kit and CODELESS firmware (DA14531 standalone (SET-TWO)).

1) CodeLess DA14531 v_6.380.12.6

2) Our project is requiring an external SPI device for which we wish to use some of the free pins onboard this module.

3) First tests show that the port pins are available for our use.







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Program schedule on DA14531

Wed, 2020-11-11 21:15--magergar

I've been thinking how to program a 24hour schedule on the module,
for example dimming (changing the PWM) of a light depending on the hour

Maybe I could use an RTC timer? is there any example of it's functionality?
I would like to execute a function every hour while I'm reading a sensor every 5 min maybe
does that mean that I need 2 separate timers?

It is posible to have some kind of "loop" to check sensors using timers maybe
since I know a common loop doesn't work with the bluetooth and automatically disconects

Codeless commands not working

Wed, 2020-11-11 19:48--mon2

Hello. Interested to deploy the DA14531 certified BLE module inside an embedded design to access a local SPI device. Then perform some R/W with the SPI slave over a BLE enabled phone app.

For starters...

We have the following setup:

Using DA1458x Pro Motherboard with DA14531/DA14531 Module daughterboard

Configured jumpers as per Figure 11 on the website. No fly-wires.

Loaded up the CODELESS firmware onto the flash - actually have attempted



with the same results.

beacon software for asset tracking

Tue, 2020-11-10 12:53--chintan_gala


I am planning to use DA14531 smartbond tiny module for asset tracking solution, I have tested ibecon example code which was available in portal, I would like to know which beacon software will be good for asset tracking application, also how to write serial no of assets into modules during production process which I would like to be part of advertising data.


Chintan Gala

CodeLess adverising data

Thu, 2020-11-05 17:20--hto

"Note: Please note that commands AT+ADVDATA and AT+ADVRESP are not available in DA14531 due to memory constraints."

Does this mean, that it is not possible to send advertising data when using "CodeLess"?

We wanted to exchange data between 2 or more TINY modules without the need to be connected.

That is the the way we used another BLE module to implement our own propriarity network.

Unable to program the Flash in the module

Thu, 2020-10-29 14:42--ngml73


I have just bought a new DA14531MOD-00EVKT-P and setting up according to session 5.9.2 of 'um-b-141_da14531_smartbond_tinytm_module_development_kit_hardware_user_manual_1.1.pdf'

I used Flash programmer v1.0.4.2972 to erase and program 'codeless_531_standalone_set_two.hex' and other hex file and the same error found.

Attached is the log file.

Please advise if I missed any steps

Programming custom DA14531 Module over 1 wire UART

Fri, 2020-10-23 00:43--AdamShier


I have 2 questions.

1) I have 1 wire uart programming connected in the following setup. A ftdi cable (TTL-232R-3V3 cable) with rx and tx connected with a 1k resistor, with that connected to p05. The ground of the uart cable is connected to ground of the board. The board is powered by batteries, 3V. When I go to program it in the smart toolbox, it always just responds

Error while waiting to receive STX from FTDI device.

any thoughts on why that might be?


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