DA14531 SmartBond TINY Module

Connection drops

Sat, 2020-06-27 22:00--Sergei Bezroukov

Hi there,

I am experimenting with a pair of DA14531 TINY modules connected to a computer via a 2-wire UART and USB/UART converter on CP2104 by using CodeLess firmware image codeless_531_standalone_set_two.hex. Establishing a connection between them works as described in Section 3.3 of UM-B-140. But the probelm is that the modules drop the connection after about 3 minutes. Is it possible to fix it so that the connection will remain active indefinitely?

Firmware image difference for DA14531

Fri, 2020-06-26 23:51--Sergei Bezroukov

Dear Dialog Experts,

what is the difference between the provided firmware images? I was unable to find an answer to this question in UM-140. This document just mentiones them without any explanation. Is the only difference in the set of AT-command supported?

  1. CodeLess for DA14531 datapump (codeless_531_datapump.hex)
  2. CodeLess for DA14531 standalone (codeless_531_standalone.hex)
  3. CodeLess for DA14531 standalone SET TWO (codeless_531_standalone_set_two.hex)

Data Transmission Speed for digital sensor

Thu, 2020-06-25 09:34--pratikshinde


I want to use DA14531 Tiny Module for reading and transmitting digital inputs to control system placed on 5m distance.

Following is setup,

4 Digital Inputs -> DA14531 wireless transmission to DA14531 -> 4 Digital Outputs.

I want to read these inputs at higher frequency lets say 1000 to 5000 times per second. So that I will not miss any change on input side sensors.


Can we use Tiny Module and DSPS for this purpose?



DA14531 Software Interrupt

Wed, 2020-06-10 14:34--jsageder

Hi there,

Does anyone know how to use one of the three available software interrupts (RESERVED21/22/23_IRQn) to control the flow of a program. I have a very light and simple JSON based protocol on top of a Bluetooth Serial Service (one RX, one TX characteristic). Once a complete JSON is received on the RX characteristics, I'd like to trigger a software interrupt that leads to processing of the received data and sending out an answer on the TX characteristic.


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