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3 weeks ago


Posted byGreenTea90 points 2 replies


I want to create an BLE Broadcaster software with DA14585 and SDK6.0.14.114.

To Create a new project with Keil uVision5, where do I start from?

can you help me?

The SDK6 example ble_app_noncon ( SDK root folder > projects > target_apps > misc > ble_app_noncon ) is BLE example that demonstrates non-connectable advertising but includes so much source code and #ifdef statements so I am afraid I will not be able to maintenance and I want to create my own project.

3 weeks ago


Hi GreenTea,

Thanks for your question. We recommend starting with the empty peripheral template project:\projects\target_apps\template\empty_peripheral_template

As you can see in the . default_operation_adv callback, the devices starts adverting connectable advertising events. You could modify this project to non-connectable.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

3 weeks ago

GreenTea 90 points

Okay. Thank you very much.