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RX sensetivity DA14580

4 years ago

RX sensetivity DA14580

Posted bysergey_kolen0 points 3 replies

Dear Sir,
could you sent us a full information about sensetivity level --> according datasheet while :
DC-DC converter enabled;
Dirty Transmitter
disabled; TA = 25 °C;
PER = 30.8 %
(Note 18)

The sensetivity is -93

你能解释一下是什么/ = 30.8%吗?I usualy see at datasheet that sensetivity measured vs BER <0.1% or 0.2% , so what at this case 30.8%???


4 years ago

Jelphi 0 points

PER Test is used for BLE receiver testing, as opposed to the use of BER Test for Classic Bluetooth devices. The PER requirement is
expressed as: PER < 30.8% after at least 1500 packets.
This PER requirement equates to a BER of 0.1% under a series of assumptions specified in the Test Specifications document. These
assumptions are used to describe a hypothetical (yet, realistic) situation in which the number of significant bits in an LE test packet
is 368 bits (out of a total of 376 bits), and the probability of the sequence of containing no bit errors is (1-0.1%)^368 = 0.692, hence the
resulting PER requirement is (1 - 0.692) • 100% = 30.8%.

4 years ago

sergey_kolen 0 points

1. The RX sensetivity is depend on supply voltage?
2. According datasheet typical sensetivity value is -93dBm and maximal is -70dBm . why the range is so wide?
3. If IC supplied by external DC-DC or external LDO , is matter for high performanse of sensetivity or the IC have internal filter on supply voltage?

4 years ago

MT_dialog -30 points

Hi sergey_kolen,

Please check your other post…and also dont replicate the same questions.

Thanks MT_dialog