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Hardware connection for Power Profiler setup in smartsnippet

2 years ago

Hardware connection for Power Profiler setup in smartsnippet

Posted byvishnuatdialog0 points 3 replies

Hello Dialog,
We designed and manufactured a custom PCB with DA14585 and IMU sensor on it. For testing and debugging we have placed 8-pin SMD jumper(J2) on the custom board. For available pins details on jumper please find it in the attachment.
Using jumper wires we have connected J2 jumper to the pro-development board for debugging and testing. Connection details find it in the attachment.
The code we developed for our application is working fine and we have created the .hex file to upload using smart snippets for estimating power consumption with power profiler. After uploading the code, we ran power profiler to see the power consumption, the graph it was showing an only constant value, there is no change in the profile when the device goes from one state to another(like advertising to connected state). Please find a snapshot of this in the attachment.

Do we need any extra connection from the pro dev board to the custom board to run the power profile? or the jumper J2 connection is fine?

If we need to perform the power consumption test do we have any other methods or any other instruments can we use (like DMM, Oscilloscope)? If so where we can connect the external instruments to the pro dev board, that can give us the best results?

Do we have any instruments or methods which can test the BLE range for custom boards?

Thank you

Attachment 大小
Test Setup and results 226.18 KB

2 years ago


Hi vishnuatdialog,

Could you please check the section How to program a custom board using a development kit (basic or pro)? section from the FAQ page? You could find this section in the Development kits & reference designs of the FAQs. Also, the FAQs page is under the following link:

After that, can you please check if you have the same connection between your custom board and the Pro-DK, as described in the FAQs? Also, be aware that if your device is configured with any of the sleep mode, you won’t be able to measure the current conception using Smart Snippets toolbox. Please check the
Tutorial 4: Sleep modes current measurement_v1.0tutorial for getting more information. Regarding your question for the BLE range, we don not have an appropriate tool for this. However, you can calculate the RSSI values.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

2 years ago

vishnuatdialog 0 points

Hello PM_Dialog,
We have connected our custom board as mentioned in the FAQ page and we have successfully read the sensor data with BLE scanner application, that means it is not in sleep mode.

We have connected DMM in series between the custom and pro dev board to measure the current consumption data is shown below.

Idle state(Power on state)=1050 uA
Uploading code with smart snippets = sudden change to 1650 uA and settle back to 1250 uA
Advertising= 1250 uA
connected with BLE Scnner= sudden change to 1530 uA and settle back to 1350 uA
writing 01 for triggering = 1350 uA
Reading data = 1350 uA
Disconnected= sudden change to 1500 uA

By using the above data is it possible to calculate the lifetime of the battery CR1225(48mAh), if so how I can do that?

By using smart snippet power profiler tool I couldn't able to get these data, Is it because of limited hardware connection with the pro board or any other reasons.

Thank you

accepted answer!

2 years ago


You can power your board from the PRO motherboard J5 pin 23. This will allow you to use all features of the PowerProfiler in SmartSnippets ToolBox.
