Module - Other

Bluetooth dongle for DA14585

Wed, 2020-10-21 14:50--gme_johannes

Dear Dialog support,

以前我们一直使用Bluegiga井斜ces (BLE121LR). In the Bluegiga environment one uses a USB BT dongle (sold from Bluegiga), and can then use a Windows software called "BLE Gui" that allows to connect to BT clients, read services, etc. Also they provide a Python library to use their dongle, which allowed us to build an extensive Python-based framework to develop and evaluate our firmware.

Does Dialog offer something similar?

UGMZ2AA connection alert after advertise

Thu, 2019-09-26 05:48--nabilahderes

Hi Dialog member,

Curently I develop module using UGMZ2AA+MCU STM32. I download the HEX file to UGMZ2AA through JTAG direct boot from PC. I can download the HEX file to the UGMZ2AA. Advertise name appear on the LightBlue application but during attempt to connect I facing connection alert as attach picture and can not make any connection with UGMZ2AA. Could you advise me what is the possible condition that could make this alert happen?


Porting IoT MultiSensor to ISM14585 module

Wed, 2019-08-21 00:29--gme_johannes

Dear Dialog Support,

we are working with the new Inventek ISM14585 module. We want to port the MSK firmware to this module, using BMI160 (and later add BMM150). On the MultiSensor DK I have successfully replaced the acc/gyro with BMI160 and got it running.

Now I have some trouble porting the firmware.


(1) I had to undef USE_SPI_FLASH_CONFIG, otherwise I got a hard fault (waiting for SPI to read the flash). I don't know what the problem could be. The internal flash of ISM14585 is a GigaDevice GD25D series.

New Power Management for Renesas R-Car M3 Platform

Fri, 2017-11-03 14:41--ED_Dialog

的R-Car M3 System-on-Chip (SoC)-based platform from Renesas is part of a family of platforms (R-Car series) for automotive infotainment systems. The M3 is aimed at the mid-level segment, and is optimized for automotive Human Machine Interface (HMI), infotainment and integrated dashboards

Clickherefor more information.


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