
在线研讨会 -- 使用Dialog DA14531获得更快捷的物联

Sun, 2020-09-27 08:25--PW_Dialog

欢迎参加在线研讨会来发现,帮助您简单快速地实现强健安全的蓝牙5.1连接的秘诀 -- Dialog DA14531 Smartbond 平台


• 最少的外部器件数 – 让您的硬件设计更小、成本更低;

• 目前业内功耗最低的BLE芯片 – 让您的产品更高效、电池使用时间更长;

• 国内现成的芯片和合作伙伴已通过认证的量产模块 – 让您的产品能够快速上市;

• 完善易用的软件方案 – 通过提供无需对蓝牙芯片进行编程的Codeless应用、无线串口数据流的DSPS应用和各类其它应用例程,让您的开发轻松快捷;

• 广泛的互通性测试 – 让您对产品与其它各种手机、平板电脑的连接兼容性有充分的信心。



Social Distancing for DA1469x and DA14531

Tue, 2020-09-22 09:09--PM_Dialog

A new page is now available on the Dialog website which contains both the DA1469x and DA14531 Social distancing applications.

The first has been created on top of the SmartBond Wireless Ranging (WiRa) SDK and the other is based on RSSI. DA14531 Social distancing application in also running on the DA14531 TINY Module!

Clickherefor more details!

Schematic symbols and PCB footprints for DA14531 are now available on SnapEDA website!

Fri, 2020-01-10 09:50--PM_Dialog

Schematic symbols and PCB footprints for DA14531 are now available on SnapEDA website!


After signing up, you can download these in just about any format (Altium, Orcad, Eagle etc) for free! Both the QFN and CSP variants are supported.

Quadrature Decoder - select appropriate type

Mon, 2021-02-15 19:34--adam.stroz


I have a small questions about using rotary encoder with DA14531.

How to choose the right type of encoder?

What parameters to pay attention to?

这个编码器是否工作with the built-in decoder (pdf in attachment)? I wrote a simple program and it counts impulses wrong (e.g. 12 24 36)

Sample code here:

SBC audio pass-through

Fri, 2021-02-12 23:40--reaverrui

Hello World, I would like to use the DA14531 to connect to a smartphone as headphones using SBC codec. There would also be a secondary Cortex-M4F micro on board which would do the processing of the audio data. The two connected via SPI for data transfer, and I2C or UART for commands.

Is there any reason this wouldn't be possible?

Also, is there any dialog examples using SBC codec?

Thank you.



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